Franklin's Four Rules for Living cvining

Franklin’s Four Rules for Living

  1. It is necessary for me to be extremely frugal for some time, until I have paid what I owe.
  2. To endeavor to speak truth in every instance; to give nobody expectations that are not likely to be answered, but aim at sincerity in every word and action – the most amiable excellence in a rational being.
  3. To apply myself industriously to whatever business I take in hand, and not divert my mind from my business by any foolish project of growing suddenly rich; for industry and patience are the surest means of plenty.
  4. I resolve to speak ill of no man whatever, not even in a matter of truth; but rather by some means excuse the faults I hear charged upon others, and upon proper occasions speak all the good I know of everybody.
Quote Author

Written as advice to himself in 1726, on shipboard returning to Philadelphia from London. He was 20 years old

If you ride a man cvining

If you ride a horse sit close and tight, If you ride a man, sit easy and light.

Quote Author
Write things worth reading cvining

If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth the writing.

Quote Author
Migration of this website from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9

I use this website as an archive of my scientific publications and as a place to post occasional observations on life, the world, and whatever comes my way. It's all very indulgent at this point.

Drupal 7 to Drupal 9

I've just completed migrating the site from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9, which was more work than certainly I'd have liked. But Drupal 7 is way out of date now, and they say future upgrades will be pretty painless. We'll see about that.

I looked at porting over to WordPress, which is an excellent CMS. I host a WP website for a friend but had no real experience building a website with it. I found getting a basic website up and running with WP was pretty easy and I'd recommend it to someone getting started with a small website. But after a while I realized Drupal was actually much better at some things. Drupal's Custom Content Types and Views modules are really powerful and to do similar things in WordPress press requires paying for plug-ins, which can be a costly rabbit hole.

And too, I've already invested in the Drupal learning curve. So for me, I think it was better to stick with Drupal despite the fact I had to rebuild a lot to get a Drupal 9 site working roughly like my previous site.

Abandoning BOA: Barracuda-Octopus-Aegir 

Since 2006, I think, I've been using a VPS from provisioned with BOA to host my Drupal websites. BOA is installed on a fresh server, taking over just about everything about managing and tuning the needed server software, and provides a front-end for managing Drupal installations. It made spinning up a new Drupal website an easy matter of a few clicks. Really, a lifesaver when I was hosting quite a few Drupal sites for clients.

Rand on Faith cvining

Faith is the worst curse of mankind, as the exact antithesis and enemy of thought. To rest one's case on faith means to concede that reason is on the side of one's enemies - that one has no rational arguments to offer.


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When I was 14 cvining

When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.

Quote Author

Widely attributed, probably inaccurately since Mark Twain’s father died when he was eleven years old

Not planning to attack other countries cvining

“We are not planning to attack other countries,” he told a Turkish reporter. “We didn’t attack Ukraine, either.” 


repeating Russian claims that the country was forced to conduct a “special military operation” in Ukraine to assure its own security.

Face of a Botticelli ztadmin

Did anyone ever tell you you have the face of a Botticelli and the body of a Degas

Quote Author
One Redwood ztadmin

I think, too, that we’ve got to recognize that where the preservation of a natural resource like the redwoods is concerned, that there is a common sense limit. I mean, if you’ve looked at a hundred thousand acres or so of trees — you know, a tree is a tree, how many more do you need to look at?

Quote Author

Candidate (not yet governor) Ronald Reagan, while speaking before the Western Wood Products Association in San Francisco on 12 March 1966. This is often misquoted as "If you've seen one Redwood you've seen them all"