Sex and Death

Submitted by cvining on

Luna Schlosser: Oh, I see. You don't believe in science, and you also don't believe that political systems work, and you don't believe in God, huh?

Miles Monroe: Right.

Luna Schlosser: So then, what do you believe in?

Miles Monroe: Sex and death - two things that come once in a lifetime... but at least after death, you're not nauseous.

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Drink the Sand

Submitted by cvining on

They don't have a choice! Bob Rumson is the only one doing the talking! People want leadership, Mr. President, and in the absence of genuine leadership, they'll listen to anyone who steps up to the microphone. They want leadership. They're so thirsty for it they'll crawl through the desert toward a mirage, and when they discover there's no water, they'll drink the sand.

President Shepherd:
Lewis, we've had presidents who were beloved, who couldn't find a coherent sentence with two hands and a flashlight. People don't drink the sand because they're thirsty. They drink the sand because they don't know the difference.


Submitted by cvining on

To commit suicide in Buffalo is redundant 

Quote Author

That famous line from "A Chorus Line" -- "To commit suicide in Buffalo is redundant" -- has been claimed by many authors.

According to the original cast members and crew, Neil Simon was called in by Michael Bennett to serve as play doctor. In their soon-to-be-published book "The Longest Line: Broadway's Most Singular Sensation, 'A Chorus Line,' " Gary Stevens and Alan George tell the story of the record-breaking musical in the form of an oral history augmented by photographs. Neil Simon told the co-authors in an interview: "The joke about Buffalo. Sometimes I think I wrote it, and then I'm pretty sure that Mark Twain wrote it. I sometimes think it was in the show before me, and yet there's a part of my mind that says I wrote it, and there's a part of my mind that says it's an old joke that was written by somebody like Mark Twain, and it wasn't Buffalo, it was someplace else, like Philadelphia or something."


Submitted by cvining on

Let this be a lesson on the toxicity of anger

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The Bullet Train (2022), 29:45 in

Stop being who you are

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You're dad and I had a long talk and we agreed it would be best for all of us if you just stop being who you are and doing the things you love

Quote Author

Weird :The Al Yankovic Story (2022), timestamp 5:00


Submitted by cvining on

Marketing is manipulation and deceit. It tries to turn people into something they aren’t – individuals focused solely on themselves, maximising their consumption of goods that they don’t need.

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10 years ago with 221 notes

On Advertising Advertising

Submitted by cvining on

The advertising industry's prime task is to ensure that uninformed consumers make irrational choices, thus undermining market theories that are based on just the opposite.

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Making the Future: Occupations, Interventions, Empire and Resistance

Always do the wrong thing

Submitted by cvining on

This is the most tactless speech I have ever heard. The Germans are really a stupid people. They always do the wrong thing.

Quote Author

On hearing a speech by German foreign minister Count Ulrich von Brockdorff-Rantzau at negotiations for what became the Treaty of Versailles 1919